Creating your event has never been simpler. As soon as you create an account, you will get the option to "Create event." Click this to get started.
Add your event name, description and choose what type of event it is, for example a workshop or a conference.
Add your event start and end date and time.
Add your event location, or select a location using the map.
If your event is virtual, click on "Is this an online event?". You will have the option to add a link to your event website.
Decide whether you want your event to be public or private, and make the appropriate choice depending on your registration options. You can change this at any time through the event dashboard.
You are almost done! Choose a layout.
Add your logo and a cover image. You can also add these later, and change them at any time.
Agree to our terms and conditions.
Choose "Manage Event" if you want to go to the dashboard and manage your event, or choose "Publish Event" if you would like to place your event online immediately.